Phonak Lyric™
marketing catalogue

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1. Professional resources

Lyric and its unique benefits (for ENT/GP)


Lyric and its unique benefits (for ENT/GP)

Lyric 4 datasheet


Lyric 4 datasheet

Phonak Lyric4 brochure


Phonak Lyric4 brochure

Keys to success for Lyric office personnel


Product information – Lyric4


Phonak Lyric 4

Lyric4 datasheet


Lyric4 datasheet

Selling Lyric successfully


Lyric and its unique benefits (for ENT/GP)


Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

Customer acquisition with Lyric


Customer aquisition with Lyric

Benefits for tinnitus relief


Benefits for tinnitus relief

Your Lyric marketing calendar


Your Lyric marketing calendar

Lyric Claims


Lyric Claims December 2021

2. Consumer brochures

Benefits for Tinnitus flyer


Benefits for Tinnitus flyer

Lyric water protection guide


DL consumer brochure


The contact lens for your ear


Phonak Lyric

My Lyric (Subscription)


Lyric counselling tool


Lyric Counceling Tool

Benefits for tinnitus relief


3. Tools for professionals

Candidacy checklist


Candidacy checklist

Medical alert ID card


SoundLync reference card


Mouse pad


Presentation folder


Presentation folder

Device Analysis Return Form


Lyric Device Analysis Return Form

4. Dummies and displays

Lyric Counter Display US

(Can only be ordered by special request to Brooke Hanby, one per clinic) 041-1698 + 041-2266

Lyric Counter Display US

Non-working dummies

(10pk - assorted sizes)

Giveaway box


Paper bag


Ear model


Ear model

5. Point of sale

A2 poster – anatomy of the ear


A2 Poster: Anatomy of the ear

Certified partner window sticker


Wall hanging canvas

Available electronically for you to print with your local canvas provider

Lyric certified provider logo


Lyric clinic posters


Lyric clinic posters

Pull up banner – Art of visibility


Pull up banners


Pull up banners

Pull up banner – Free event


Pull up banner – Free tinnitus event


A1 poster Lyric 4


A1 poster Lyric 4

A2 poster Lyric 4


A2 poster Lyric 4

6. Images

Product images

Lifestyle images

General images

Social media images

7. Videos

Product videos

Instruction videos

Self-replacement videos

Testimonial videos

Lyric 4 videos

8. Lyric4 'The art of invisibility' campaign

Lyric ‘The art of invisibility’ female images


Lyric ‘The art of invisibility’ male images


Print advertisements


Lyric Female poster


Lyric Male poster


Counter display backing


The art of invisibility videos


Email template


Website page template


Web banners


Social posts


The art of invisibilty


The art of invisibilty

Pull up banner – Art of visibility


9. Art of Invisibility 2

Lyric Art of Invisibility 2 posters


Lyric Art of Invisibility 2 images


Email footers


Lyric animated web banners


Print advertisements


Art of invisibility 2 video


10. Tinnitus campaign

Print advertisement Tinnitus 1


Print advertisement Tinnitus #1

Print advertisement Tinnitus 2


Print advertisement Tinnitus #2

Print advertisement Tinnitus 3


Print advertisement Tinnitus 3

Print advertisement Tinnitus 4


Print advertisement tinnitus 4

Tinnitus Zip folder


Social posts


Counter stand part


11. Cognition campaign

Cognition campaign guide


Cognition web banner


Cognition pull up banner


Cognition pull up banner 2


Cognition Signage


Cognition signage 2


Cognition signage 3


12. Digital marketing tools

Digital marketing guide


Website banners


Website page template


Email template


Social media ads


Water Protection Social Post


Tenor Social Content


Tenor Social Content

13. Email and letter template

Lyric flyer A4 template


Lyric Flyer Template A4

Lyric introduction letter 1


Lyric Introduction Letter 1

Lyric introduction letter 2


Lyric Introduction Letter 2

Lyric introduction letter 3


Lyric Introduction Letter 3

Lyric Open Day event letter


Lyric Open Day Event Letter

Subscription renewal letter


Subscription Renewal Letter

14. Flyer templates

Medical trial DL flyer


Medical Trial DL Flyer

Lyric A4 flyer


Lyric Flyer Template A4

15. Evidence based articles

Phonak Insight: Phonak Lyric clinical and medical review, Jacob Johnson, June 2019


Phonak Insight Phonak Lyric Clinical and Medical Review Jacob Johnson June 2019

Field Study News: Lyric shows significant psychosocial benefits August 2017


Field Study News Lyric shows significant psychosocial benefits August 2017

Field Study News: Healthy ears for Lyric wearers – the contributing key factors. October 2017


Field Study News Healthy ears for Lyric wearers-the contributing key factors October 2017

Field Study News: Verifying the Lyric audibility advantage spring 2014


Field Study News Verifying the Lyric Auditability Advantage Spring 2014

Phonak Insight: Real ear measurement with Lyric August


Lyric 24/7 hearing: Could it help those with tinnitus? Jacob Johnson white paper Nov/Dec 2014


Lyric 24/7 hearing: Could it help those with tinnitus? Jacob Johnson White Paper Nov/Dec 2014

Fast Fact – Medial reduction


Lyric Fast Fact - Medial Reduction

Field Study News: Lyric4 improved reliability


Field Study News: Lyric4 Improved Reliability

16. Open days

Lyric open day guide



DL flyer

DL Flyer



Pull-up banners

Pull-up banner

Social image

Social media image